

chillimis pildid

Mr. Frontside

Mr. Jibbing

Mr. Backside

Minu tehtud pildid peaks ka kunagi see nädal tulema.
(Kaisa ja Kadri pildid)


Kuutsemäe camp


Mina ja Mirjam olime kooli vaheajal kuutsekal. Ilm oli kahjuks eriti tujukas:D vahepeal oli lumetorm, poole tunni pärast jälle päike ja nii kogu aeg, tuul oli igaljuhul enamus aega suht kõva.

Aga see-eest oli camp ülicool. Mega hea on kui keegi sunnib soojendust tegema ja seletab kuidas mis tahes asja õigesti teha. Ning seltskond on ka lihtsalt super. Ma ei oska väga seletada aga lihtsalt võrratu.

Ma sain lõpuks aru mida tähendab landingusse hüpata :D õppisin ka bs 18 tegema ja spine'il fs boardslide. Mirjam õppis ka bs 18 ja tegi fs 36.

Vaikselt hakkab siia pilte juurde tiksuma ka.



So my back is still hurting and the infection is still messing with me, but I hope that I can go and shred next Thursday.
Miss my chickas and snowboarding SOOOOO MUCHHHHH.. Have been doing those back exercises, which really suck.


Valgehobusemäe Rodeo

Võistlushooaeg on täies hoos!

Täna toimus Valgehobusemäel juba teist aastat slopestyle vormis võistlus Valgehobusemäe Rodeo. Pelgalt 7 tunni pärast hakkan juba liikuma Läti poole, kus toimub homme Volcom'i Peanut Butter Rail Jam (PBRJ).

Valgekalt tuli esikoht ning mul on uhke teatada, et noored tüdrukud olid taas naistest paremad! Eriti kiidan Johanna Lindat, kes on väga-väga tubli noor lumelauatsikk. Vaatame, kuidas siis homme lõunanaabrite juures läheb..


The Estonian Championships were held today at Kuutsemägi. The weather was nice and the park was freshly shaped. It was a perfect riding day!

There were only 3 competitors in the girls class and 2 in the womens class, so to find out who would be the Estonian Champion in womens slopestyle, the girls had to compete with the women. Suprisingly, only we, girls, reached the finals, securing our places with some nice 36s. I'm happy to say, that I managed to do all the tricks the way I planned to and that I won the gold medal! So, not only am I the best girl snowboarder in Estonia, but also the best woman!

In my opinion, all the riders were pretty equal, it's just that today was my day!

But now were going off celebrating and although I was the only member of Chickapow to compete today, I'm sure we'll see the others competing next year!
