


Jälle üks mõnus nädalavahetus möödas. Laupäeval oli Eestis esmakordselt Ladies' Shred Day.
Nõmme tegi päris hea aruande: Kokku võttis üritusest osa 28 tüdrukut ja 5 neist mäel esmakordselt :) Kõigist osalejatest 35% tahtis õpetajate juhendamisel boxe sõita ja 25% hüppeid lammutada.

Nice weekend has passed by again. On saturday Estonia hosted Ladies' Shred Day for the first time ever. Overall numbers: participants-28( 5 of them for the first time), 35% wanted to ride boxes with instructers and 25% just wanted to hit the kickers.

Olime siis päev läbi mäel. Eriti mõnus oli nii palju naisi mäel näha ja kõik olid eriti tublid. Mäel sai ka Red Bulli ja Anni ema tehtud super häid viineripirukaid, mis olid lausa soojad:D
Päeva lõpus said ka kõik hunniku Surfhouse'i kleepse.

It was so fun to ride all day long and see so many ladies on the slope. Ann's mother had made a big basket full of warm supertasty pies and Red Bull was also handed out to everyone. At the end of the day everybody were also given a big bunch of Surfhouse stickers.

Eriti peab kiitma Anni, kes võttis kätte ja korraldas selle eriti chilli päeva. Suured tänud ka Kerdile, Maasule ja Danielile, kes olid super tublid intruktorid torudele sõitmisel. Aitäh Red Bull, Nõmme lumepark ja Surfhouse.
Loodame et järgmine aasta tuleb veel parem ja suurem üritus. Igasugune tagasiside ja soovitused on ka väga oodatud.

Huge props to Ann who organized it. Big thanks also to Kert, Maasu and Daniel, who were great instucters and helped everyone who wanted make their first runs on tubes (the round contruction pipes or smt:D) Thanks to Red Bull, Nõmme snowpark and Surfhouse too.
We hope next year it will be even bigger and better.

Jagage piltide linke!


I'm sorry guys for not writing, but organizing ILSD takes so much time. And all the free time I have, I spend shredding or studying.
Actually I've had a few riding days in Kuutsemäe lately, and they were SO awesome. I hope I'll have time to write about them after ILSD. On Saturday  I was in Tartu and there was a railjam, where I attended. Guess what there was?! BLUEBIRD.. and friendly guys, unfortunately I didn't see any other girls.
And ILSD is the first event I'm organizing in my life. So let's hope it's gonna be ass-kicking awesome. (It's gonna bring together over 40 girls in Estonia, which is unbelievable and cool)

Soon you will be seeing some urban-action from me.. It's only matter of time, when!


I'm tanned, I'm full of energy, I'm back!

As soon as the temperatures started rising in Estonia and the snow started slowly melting, I headed off to the airport and flew to Tenerife - the surfing paradise of the world.

And now I'm back, my head still full of black volcanic Tenerife sand and my cheeks as sunburnt as ever. My batteries are fully loaded by sun and I'm ready for some serious action! See you at ILSD or maybe even at Žagarkalns at the Forum Youngblood competition!

Back at Tenerife, the weather was nice, the waves were gooood and I got my first wave! And I have to admit, I haven't gotten surfing out of my head ever since..


Hei kõik ägedad neiud ja preilid ja piigad!

22.jaanuaril on INTERNATIONAL LADIES SHRED DAY ehk ILSD. Sellel päeval ühendavad oma väed paljude riikide lumelaua- ja suusanaiskad. Kuna üritus toimub juba kolmandat korda, siis oleks nüüd viimane aeg seda päeva ka Eestis tähistada.


Kõigepealt koguneme kella 12ks Nõmme Lumeparki, soetame piletid (vajaduse korral ka varustuse), teeme väikse soojenduse ja suundume üheskoos mäele.
Kohale tulevad õpetajad, kes on võimelised õpetama sõitmist erinevatel tasemetel. Jaguneme gruppidesse (kes tahavad võivad ju niisama ka sõita!), usinamad saavad pargis trikke õppida ning boxidel keerutada, uuemad sõitjad saavad õppida kõike alates kõige algusest.

Nõmme Lumepark on valmis naistele sel päeval rahakotti rohkem raskust jätma ja RedBull annab naistele selle puudu oleva, et olla ingel (tiivad!).

Kui kellegil on hea soov seda päeva filmides jäädvustada, siis võtke palun minuga ühendust 


Got a sick video clip of you riding? Submit it and win the Rip Curl Sista Sessions “Video Clip Contest” and win a VIP Entry to Rip Curl Sista Sessions in Mayrhofen, Austria on the 19th-23rd January 2011. Winners will also receive lots of goodies for you and your filming buddy!

The clip contest judges (Liza Filzmoser, Connie Bleicher and Julia Baumgartner) will pick the winner from the Top 20 highest rated clips on the Rip Curl Sista Sessions YouTube site.

Aitame Tiial siis Austriasse minna!